Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Philadelphia, Oct. 2014 | Personal Critical Marathon | Photo: © Nacym Baghli
architects are influenced by their own environment (buildings). 
this, (urban) environment is shaped by these same architects.
we (architects) need a major paradigm shift for a radical change in architecture, and, only after, maybe hope for a significant change in our desperately become 'taxidermic' cities.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


e[X/S]oteri~te©ture, or #eXSoterism,
is about using critical thinking by exploring eXoteric/eSoteric conditions in architecture & urbanism.
Status : Ongoing / On hold
Period : POST-xxxxxxx

Exhibition, part of #eXSoterism exploration, is on view at the fenCLUB >here

'Theoretical' Supply Vs. 'Concrete' Demand
© 2014 Nacym Baghli Architects

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rem's Cadavre Exquis

Cadavre Exquis, Figure (1928) André Breton,
Max Morise, Jeannette Ducrocq Tanguy,
Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret, Yves Tanguy,
Jacques Prévert. (the MoMA Collection)
Le Corbusier, Ungers, Ferriss, Leonidov, Mies, Dali Vasari,... Rem embodies all of them, randomly, alternately or at the same time, in an unique, Surrealist and Mannerist "Grande Figure".

Following the invitation, quite unexpected, to join the very select Dark Side Club (*) in Venice during the vernissage of the 14th international architecture exhibition, I had the honor to attend a special meeting, and to live the emergence of a controversy surrounding Fundamentals, although many other topics were discussed that evening.
I would like my following thoughts may join (and continue) the discussion initiated this time by François Roche and Antonino Saggio, and extend therefore the controversy surrounding the theme chosen by Rem Koolhaas Fundamentals because simply, it's worth it. Many other talents (Patrick Schumacher, Aaron Betsky, ...) were present in the Salon and spoke on this issue. The meeting was moderated by Winy Maas.
Inputs, Elements of Architecture.
Antonino Saggio said >here that architecture is a body.
I would say, implicitly understood, a body and not an assemblage of members (as parts of a body).
In fact, for me, a corpse.
François Roche talks about obscenity >here, I conclude, more about that “disassembled body”.
I would say rather deconstructed, dissected.
Outputs, Fundamentals.
From my point of view, which was shown at this exhibition and specifically that relating to Elements of Architecture is actually probably a "corpse" of architecture, but it is certainly an exquisite corpse.

Escalator / Elements of Architecture
14th International Architecture Exhibition
Central Pavilion / Photo: Nacym Baghli
Between "obscenity" proclaimed by François Roche, and the "corpse" implied by Antonino Saggio, rather I dare say that this is "the obscenity of the exquisite corpse" and that was masterfully offered (to us) at the central pavilion: Rem's Cadavre Exquis.
Obscenity in the demonstrative sense.
Exquisite in both senses of the word:
Exquisite as imagined by the Surrealists with this assembly and sequencing unlikely "members" in a comprehensive sense which ultimately is almost perfect even if it relates apparently to chaotic processes.
Exquisite, literally, by the beauty of "members" exposed such as a retroactive dissection of modern history of architecture, until its (total) absorption.
Finnally, when Peter Eisenmann said that Rem states his end with Fundamentals >here, I would like to answer that Rem is stating here an end, for sure, but the end of maybe architecture? (as Edwin Heathcote wrote in FT >here) and I would add, in a such dramatical and theatrical way, by sacrifying his own body (le cadavre exquis) on the altar of modernity. Terribilità.

There will be definitely, in this brilliant Final Act, a before and an after Fundamentals.

(*) Many thanks to François Roche & Robert White for the kind invitation.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

####### hashtag 2.0xx

état d'esprit is a [ POST-critical & PRE-fundamentals ] state of mind.
Venice, June 4-8, 2014. There will be a BEFORE & an AFTER #fundamentals.

###### #Hashtag has become the receptacle of #‎JunkWords. #######################################################################################
via @elementsarch #‎KellerEasterling: "a plane on which the king makes the rules and the king always wins" #‎floor #‎elementsarchitecture pic.twitter.com/uh87FgOs3U
Nacym: "This timeless (chess)board on which are ‘plotted’ and reflected
past, present and future ideologies"
₩¥$!₩¥G, literally "What You See Is What You Get" in a Globalized World,
is my (unsolicited) contribution to #‎Fundamentals.
#TheEndOfArchitecture"Architecture has absorbed modernity
and modernity has chewed it up and spat it out" by @edwinheathcote
#1.Avertissement  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  £€$$ (is more)
#Parenthèse ((((((( Soon the #GhostComputing ? via @WSJ Forget 'the #Cloud';
computing's future is in 'the #Fog' http://on.wsj.com/1lzYvjN)))))))
For me, 
#‎DeRotterdam embodies, besides @OMA_AMO #‎architecture,
@remkoolhaas himself.
After a transatlantic illusion, Unreal meeting between Algiers & NY.
#‎unevengrowth @pedrogadanho
@superscriptco #stayradical > Towards a New Avant-Garde? http://stayradical.net/#/
Carcass™ in a speculative context.
Scenario #1: Migration Algiers/NY #‎unevengrowth @pedrogadanho http://t.co/Hzr8IhdVwB +++++++ http://t.co/Qa4rrD3h6T
Exodus. Influx. Rem dreamt (of it). Dubaï did it.
------1972 Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture
-------2013 Influx, or the Unconscious Released from Architecture
R U L E S [ Themes are >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #random.
Meetings are ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||#random.
Publications are_________________________________________________________#random.
Platform: Physical ////////////Virtual. Network: Local ////////////////// Global.
Tools? ************************************************ WiiCulture™ ]]] R U L E S
Writer's block...
Buy one, get one free. How Critical is this act?
#BatiMat is to #‎architecture what is #AutoCad to #‎architect : #Interference.
Post-Criticism could be: The Criticism is dead, long live the Criticism!
Criticism has become banal. Banality has become critical.
I #‎like therefore I am. #‎facebook #‎Synergy?
///////to @MarkusMiessen Make a #PAUSE by suspending Architecture in order to isolate and promote the Intellectual Act. http://t.co/9Xp1WhgrDf
The beautiful, at most, left me indifferent. The banal is banal.
The ugly, most times, moved me. (and from now? ...)
One of the missing conditions in the #Mediterranean space?
 ///////to @storefrontnews: #OLD. The Old, the Lateness and the elDerly ...
When, mostly, Old refers to spatial 'confusion',
Lateness is, mainly, considered as 'contemporary' and social.
Meanwhile, elDerly are systematically assimilated to their 'OLD' aesthetic.
The real question is rather:
Who will NOT come to Venice? #fundamentals #‎countdownvenice2014 @monditalia @elementsarch @la_Biennale
[ Text in progress. Courier New, 10.5, highlited, bold, regular, sometimes underlined. ]]]]]]]]]] #unfinished
*** About: the #fenCLUB, founded by Nacym+Sihem Baghli in 2010,
is a ?!discussion?! group that confronts Architecture & Urban-design+planning with other/different disciplines (art, philosophy, media,...). It aims to become
a #CriticismGenerator. Nacym+Sihem have been rapidly joined by a few friends, thereby forming the fenCLUB's hard core. The inaugural meeting was held in their office/gallery (#Algiers) in December 2010.
(not) FREE and (not) OPEN to (all) PUBLIC
Join the debate! (facebook) uncritical + (twitter) #uncritical

Thursday, May 15, 2014


literally What You See Is What You Get in a Globalized World,
is my (unsolicited) contribution to #Fundamentals.

Excerpts, text (fr+en) and more to follow.
(click to enlarge)

#1 Avertissement
Ce travail a été pensé « trans-architecture ». Il use et abuse des technologies modernes. Il incarne de ce fait la Modernité. Le présent texte, original, en français fait l’objet actuellement de correctifs, d’une augmentation ainsi que d’une traduction (anglais). Le fond documentaire est conséquent. Parmi celui-ci, la « matière première ». Elle est constituée par plus de 300 dossiers techniques de « Villas » réalisées entre 1973 et 2013 (liste ci-jointe). Seul quelques cas sont représentés dans ce travail, à titre indicatif. Le reste est en filigrane, et à disposition au besoin. L’échiquier métropolitain, ce champ d’observation critique, a pour foyer originel Alger. Cependant le spectre d’expérimentation, voire de spéculation, est plus vaste. Il transcende aussi les règles et les convenances (académiques). La mise en perspective de l’architecture dans ce travail se percevra suivant plusieurs scénarii, et en autant de possibilités. Elle se traduira sur plusieurs plans et à différentes échelles (échelle relative). Enfin, ce travail est par essence même inachevé.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


#PAUSE. We enter a Post-Critic(ism) Era. Architecture is Off (-line).
#PAUSE. We enter a Post-xxxxxxx Era. Uncritical? Architecture is, henceforth, Off (-line).


140 dots, is the minimum/maximum acceptable Tweet in terms of 'literary' volume/space occupancy.

How to untweet ? #Untweet will be the future of the tweet ...

In a WiiCulture™ (Wireless Culture) context, footnotes, amongst other 'academic tools' are totally useless ... Google will do the job (for you) >>> More on my philosophy

My interpretation: In a last effort of (re)construction ... La Reconstruction de Soi @soufujimoto @SerpentineUK @HUObrist pic.twitter.com/cNfaHP7o2n


PAUSE | Join the (NON) event ! This is NOT a Movement. This is a PAUSE. FREE of Charge. FREE of Mind.

Nowadays, few things are (still) Codified. Most are 'Cloudified'. #PAUSE #cloudtheory

My (primary) Concern's Curve. Inversely proportional to the Crisis ... pic.twitter.com/fXKCRCClZ7

Venice, a disproportionate (intellectual) offer, for a negligible (architectural) demand ... or could be the opposite ? #biennale #venice

Friday, January 17, 2014


Mixing Cities © 2014 Nacym Baghli Architects
New York

Critical urban area
(within a 10 km radius)

Les Dunes, Algiers